Monday, February 14, 2011

What A Glorious Feeling

I was introduced to musicals at a very young age. My grandma was a fan of any movie that had beautiful dancers and over the top costumes. As a result of that, I was too. My favorite was always Singing in the Rain. At a young age I may not have understood much, but I knew I loved the dancing and the glamor that came along with the story. Still to this day, that movie can brighten my darkest days.
That's what is so great about dancing. It can take you to another place completely. Whether it's a fast paced humorous dance or a slow serious piece, you can feel anything you want to.
Now, I'm a sucker for the original because Gene Kelley is my weakness, but a friend showed me a new version of the classic song. I'll let you decide if it's up to par. Either way, enjoy!

Usher Vs. Gene

I think dance is timeless and a good scene can stay in a cultures identity for a long time. This once scene is still relevant and used again in another pop culture phenomenon, Glee.


I often wonder what makes up a great dance. I don't know exactly but maybe throughout this blog, while looking at amazing dances and choreography, I'll find some common ground between the dances. But I know that dance is a very complex art that can't often be explained.