Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just Dance

So, since EIU dancers has not been meeting on a regular basis I have noticed some changes in myself. The main one being how out of breath I get after climbing 3 sets of stairs to get to class. I find this extremely disgusting and am a little concerned by how out of shape I can get in just a couple weeks lacking dance.
I realize how great of a work out running a dance a million times or combinations across the floor is, so I guess it is no shock why there are dance workout videos and classes just about everywhere you go. I have attended Zumba classes and, as embarrassing as it is, I'll admit that I have done hip hop abs. As a dancer I always strut into these classes and videos like I'll own them. Then I never do.
Therefore, I have decided these workouts are very different than dancing. While they incorporate some rhythm and dance moves you have to have crazy endurance and know how to work these moves right. I think they are great work outs but are totally different than actually dancing. If you're a dancer, don't think you'll own this work out, and just because you can shake in Zumba, don't think you can prance around a stage.

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